The small size of the male penis often causes family problems related to the lack of adequate sex life for the spouse. In many cases, sexual dissatisfaction even becomes a cause of divorce, because relaxation is one of a person's basic needs.
But what if nature does not grant a person the dignity of an impressive body shape? Is it possible to correct this unfairness and how to enlarge the penis?
Modern medicine and traditional folk methods provide such opportunities. But the effectiveness and safety of each existing method range from particularly effective to completely useless.

Surgical enhancement
In this case, the penis, figuratively speaking, was disassembled into its component parts by the surgeon. The head is separated from the spongy body, and the resulting space is filled with cartilage tissue. Even imagining such a thing is scary, let alone allowing it to be done on oneself. This method allows you to increase your penis by about one and a half centimeters immediately, but there are also many disadvantages associated with any surgical intervention-risk of infection, scars after surgery, pain that lasts until the wound is completely healed, and then due to weather changesAnd appeared. There is no need to withdraw from the account and the risk of unsuccessful operations. The surgeon may also be in a bad mood, he may have a headache or the consequences of going to the bathhouse with a friend yesterday. Yes, yes, don't be surprised, it is possible, but he still works, he wants to eat every day. All of these risks are only reasonable during surgery for medical reasons, for example, when it involves people with a very small penis at birth or violations of their anatomy and function due to trauma.
What is the effect of surgery that can enlarge the penis
A man walked over and said: Doctor, I want me to grow older. Then the doctor has a conversation, discussing everything in detail, and must talk about sexual needs. It happens that they are considering surgery because they cannot realize their dreams or sexual fantasies: for example, having sex with well-formed women.
As with other plastic surgery, it is important to fully evaluate whether the surgery will help achieve a specific goal. If every doctor sees that the patient’s expectations do not match the actual possibility of the operation or the doctor’s actions are invalid, he will try to avoid the operation.
Surgery can increase the length and diameter of the penis.
The length is the simplest. This operation means dissecting the suspensory ligament of the penis.
Today, surgery is the main method recommended by doctors for penis lengthening. From their point of view, this is the best in terms of the patient's degree of risk. Although, in fact, it is not suitable for real lengthening operations. They simply cut the ligament to increase the angle between the penis and the pubic bone. In this way, the penis is simply pushed forward to obtain an enlarged effect.
The effectiveness of this operation depends largely on the compliance of the tissue. Therefore, in order to increase the chance of success and avoid scarring, the doctor will advise the patient to wear the device before and after the operation and take medications that affect the stretching of the tissue.
Two months before the operation, they started wearing the device, followed by a half-hour operation, and then used the device for another three weeks. Total-everything is less than 3 months.

With the diameter, everything is more difficult for the patient, but more interesting for the reader.
The diameter of the penis can increase by 2 cm, which is quite significant. Two methods are widely used. The first, and most common, is due to the patient’s own tissue.
It is arranged like this: a piece of muscle tissue is removed from the back or rectus abdominis and transplanted onto the penis. In fact, it is to wrap a muscle around the penis, and then suture the blood vessels to restore blood supply.
This type of surgery is called microsurgery. After that, the patient needs to rest for a week.
The second method looks like this: They remove the flaps from the groin area and place them on the cavernous body. In other words, the penis is wrapped like a muscle tissue transplant, but in this case, the doctor does not have microsurgical techniques, so the recovery period is easier: strict bed rest is not required, and the patient only needs a few days of the clinic.
There is a way to increase the thickness of the penis using silicone implants-penile prostheses. This is the least dangerous method. The surgery itself is similar to breast plastic surgery, with only individual implants, which are specially made for the patient.
In all cases, the choice of method depends entirely on the patient's preference. Doctors are obliged to warn of the location of the scar, possible complications and consequences, so that people can make an informed decision.

What are the risks
Although the operation seems simple and easy to recover, in addition to the standard risks that accompany any surgical intervention, there is a risk of serious complications: if the doctor over-intervenes and acts inaccurately, he may damage the arteries and condemn the patient for impotence. Therefore, choosing a clinic and a doctor who guarantees the results is the most important part of the operation.
The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a clinic is to have a balanced conversation with the doctor. He has no right to promise to triple the penis, nor to directly say how many centimeters it will become. The doctor's caution is the key to the success of the operation.
This surgery is often used in combination with liposuction in the pubic region, and it is most effective for overweight patients. According to doctors’ experience, patients are more likely to be satisfied with penis lengthening surgery. Regarding the possibility of reoperation, in the case of a combination of lengthening surgery and diameter addition, such a need often arises, and such a need usually occurs for a long time after the patient's operation.
However, in addition to health risks, patients also worry about their reputation and the anonymity of the operation. This question can be solved simply: "In addition to the advertisements that protect patients from the law that stipulates that doctors cannot do any intervention, there is an important point of contact between patients and doctors. Have you established trust between you? Do you think the moral character of doctors? Isn’t he allowed to talk about surgery in principle? Did he tell you in detail about other patients? Did he mention their names? Or did he just give examples similar to yours? By default, doctors are not allowed to talk to any patients. People discuss your surgery. However, if the patient is too worried about it, then, from a psychological comfort point of view, he can clearly say that he is not interested in promoting the story. "

Hormone treatment
With the help of drugs, especially hormones, penis enlargement is only effective during puberty, and endocrinologists prescribe the pathology of genital development. In this case, many factors and contraindications need to be considered to avoid the side effects of hormone therapy. By adulthood, the effect of this method will be zero, but it will seriously disrupt the work of the endocrine system, which is difficult to correct afterwards.
Vacuum amplification
It is not a way to enlarge the penis, because although its effect is obvious, it will not last long. The basis of the vacuum method is to create a vacuum around the penis, and combine the expansion of capillaries and blood filling to stretch it. In order to better imagine the effect of this method of penis enlargement, you can recall the usual cups, which are placed on the back to draw blood from the inflamed area to treat colds. Brutal behavior, such as causing capillary rupture and bruising at the most exposed parts of the vacuum. As mentioned above, the effect of using the pump lasts only about two hours. It is worth imagining that the unfortunate man, before sex, not foreplay, but to pull himself with this ill-fated pump! And laughter and sin!

Manual method
The manual method is very safe and effective, but requires considerable time and regular exercise. There are many of them (Polynesia, Taoism, stretching, etc. ), but the principle is common to all-the principle of milking, which is to lengthen the penis in an orderly and regular manner. The effect depends on the patience of the man, because this work is quite hard and long, up to a year or more. Using the tools provided on our website, this process will be more efficient! But the increase in penis length is almost unlimited, of course within a reasonable range. 10 cm, 40 will definitely not work. You need to do it five to seven times a week, fifteen to twenty minutes a day. One obvious advantage of using the manual penis enlargement method is availability, free of charge, and efficiency as described above!
It is a modern manual method for penis enlargement, a device that methodically stretches the length of the main male organs over a long period of time. In order to achieve the effect, the drug needs to be worn for several hours a day for six months or more, but unlike the manual method, this does not require frequent attention. You can bring your device to do housework or relax. The average result for six months is 2-3 cm. Not as much as we want, but we all know that miracles will only happen in fairy tales, although it is unrealistic for us to increase the length of the penis by ten centimeters in one day. Perhaps it is more effective to use drugs to release the inside of the penis after a special operation, but the dangers of the operation have been mentioned above.

The use of the drug has almost no contraindications and side effects
In short, it can be noted that the most effective and safest method is time-tested. You should not believe in advertisements that promise to be untrue, because we all know that product advertisements are the engine of trade. Its purpose is not to help people, but to sell any goods and services that do not meet the promise. Therefore, it is best to choose a long-term but safe and effective method, rather than a method that promises quick results but does not guarantee the safe and successful completion of penis enlargement surgery!